A review by miguelf
Square Haunting: Five Writers in London Between the Wars by Francesca Wade


A compilation of 5 biographies, all of British women writers in the years in between the World Wars. There’s a tenuous connection with their lives in which all lived at one point in or around a location in London, but it’s a good enough excuse to cover the lives and works of some of these very well known (Woolf & HD) and some of the lesser known figures. It kicks off with HD and it’s likely the strongest section, at least for me. Workmanlike, it provides a good overview but certainly doesn’t blow the reader away. The Woolf section was better than the earlier published biography that came out this year (“Virginia Woolf: And the Women Who Shaped Her World”), but at the same time the recent book “No Man’s Land” documented the lives of the first women war surgeons in the first WW in London who were also of that era and a bit more unsung.