A review by charms1976
Ecstasy Unveiled by Larissa Ione


In novel number four of the Demonica series by Larissa Ione, we are introduced to the newest brother of the group. After not knowing about Lore and vice-versa, the brothers are still coming to terms with the new family addition. While in the process of this, Lore is also having to deal with the fact that his new assignment is to kill their good friend Kynan. Lore has no choice but to follow these orders since his boss that holds the contract for his life also holds the contract on his twin sisters life.

Enter an angel named Idess. She is basically a guardian angel and has been assigned Kynan as her human to protect. Even though Kynan is charmed and untouchable, he still is in danger and Idess needs to keep guard on him. If she succeeds, she earns her wings and can be with her family in the Heavens. While protecting Kynan, she meets Lore and they both feel the attraction. As they decide to work together in finding a loophole, Idess is shocked to discover that she now must protect Lore as well.

While I enjoyed the story of this book, I wasn't a big fan of Idess. I just couldn't connect with her like I have with the previous females in the series. Lore was sexy and charming, but Idess just didn't seem to be a good fit for him in my opinion. I could see him more with a character like Gem. He needed someone rough, tough and less angelic.

Out of all the books so far in the series, this is my least favorite. I still enjoyed it, but it just wasvnot as wonderful as the previous books. I am still excited though for the next book that features Sin who just happens to be a rare Seminus demon because she is female.