A review by kcrawfish
Dragon Pearl by Yoon Ha Lee


3.5 stars

This was a fantasy/sci-fi mashup with an emphasis on Fox and Dragon Spirits living in a sci-fi confederation of planets. The combination of magic and ghosts and futuristic planet-hopping was creative fun, and I loved the world.

The plot was a similarly funky quilt of random occurrences and odd characters you could truly enjoy spending time with. From space pirates, to dragons and goblins, and even a spaceship-hopping ghost, the writer cleanly fused the worlds of space and magic.

I will say that this book felt a little young for my taste, and there were missed opportunities for raw character moments or realistic consequences and struggles. That’s not a true criticism of this book, I think it was geared toward a younger audience, but I wish I could have read a more mature rendering of this plot and world.

So I recommend it for those who love space and dragons. Read it for the fun and the world, not for depth.