A review by gwensreading
Buckman by Erin Lockwood


I received an ARC of this from Netgalley in exchange for my honest review.

This wasn't my favorite book. Tallan is the star quarterback for his college football team. April is the daughter of a famous musician. They meet at a party, he falls instantly in love with her, and they go back and forth in a relationship. She doesn't want to be with someone famous and omg he can't live without her.

I get where April was coming from. I don't think I'd want that lifestyle either if I'd had the same bad experiences that she did. However April is a jerk. Plain and simple. She wants to be with him then doesn't. Over and over and over. She refused to go to his games. She didn't want anyone to know they were dating. She wanted to sleep with him but not be in a public relationship. She asked him not to join the NFL draft because, after like 3 months of dating, they were in love and going to be together forever and she didn't want to be in the limelight. What????

Tallan was courteous and put up with more than I would in a relationship. He let April make really big decisions for him and his life. He followed her around like a puppy, cleaning up her messes. To be fair I did not like how he pressured her into a relationship or into going to his away games. But I think he was a genuinely nice guy and deserved a lot better than April.

I ended up skimming most of the book because I couldn't handle the back and forth. The writing is good and engaging plus I liked the descriptors of the football playing itself. I just really didn't like April.