A review by tiggeruo
Ella: An Amish Retelling of Cinderella by Sarah Price


I received a complimentary copy of this book from Kensington Books and Netgalley. I was under no obligation to post a review and have given my honest opinion

Ella Troyer is faced with losing her mom gaining a new family and then losing her dad. She is reminded of her mother's memory to always be kind and nice. As she faces helping her stepmom and siblings with everything, she catches a suitors eye can she do it all or will something have to give?

Every time I get my hands on Sarah’s book I just can’t put it down most nights reading late into the night and this was once again one of those books. I wanted to know what happened. I have read Sarah’s other book Belle and now this one and for whatever reason these books make me feel like I’m coming home. They are so good it makes you feel like your catching up with friends and the author has that way of just reaching through the pages to keep you interested and going from beginning to end. Seriously this book was amazing. I loved everything about it. The author kept it light but also with a lesson to be learned while reading this wonderful story. The author leaves you hungry both physically and spiritually.