A review by togidemi
Love Poems by Anne Sexton


Sensual, thoughtful stuff. I miss poetry that gets a little abstract wid it (especially with horniness - nothing impresses me more than describing a lover's hands as blood clots or music or dye with your whole poetussy, and I do mean this genuinely) and I feel like I'll reread some of the gems here over and over again. My personal favorites are "For My Lover, Returning to His Wife" , "The Kiss", and "The Ballad of the Lonely Masturbator". I imagine these selections will greatly appeal to the Backburner - NIKI girlies lmao. I know drawing comparisons among poets is kind of cheap, but I'm surprised I haven't heard of Sexton nearly as much as Sylvia Plath when fans of the latter (whom I believe was friends with Sexton as well? the gc must have been wild) would find this material right up their alley. ganyan talaga pag feeling backburner chour