A review by postitsandpens
The Clue of the Tapping Heels by Carolyn Keene


For anyone out there looking to read (or reread) this series, I found out as I was searching for a copy of this particular book that they're all available for free on the Internet Archive, so just wanted to share that before I get into my actual thoughts.

In this book, Nancy is inexplicably good at tap dancing AND morse code, so I first want to add that to her amazing list of talents, alongside golf, sailing, and scuba diving. Girl gets around! I liked the mystery of this quite a lot, and it kept me guessing most of the way through. I also love that the last few installments have had an increase of Ned, Burt, and Dave appearing alongside the girls, because they always make the books a bit more interesting. All in all this was another good time, and I'm looking forward to seeing what Nancy gets up to next.