A review by magically_blonde
Star Wars: The High Republic - Trail of Shadows by Daniel José Older


This graphic novel includes THR Trail of Shadows #1-5. My reviews for each issue are as follows:

#1: Nice to know that even in Star Wars the children’s lullabies are deeply disturbing if you actually pay attention to the words! In all seriousness, I thought this was a great first issue of this new series. I’m unsure how these two stories connect so far, but they really hooked me with the cave writings being the lullaby that has been haunting the Jedi’s minds!

#2: Interesting to see another Pau’an in the universe, even if only for a brief moment. Anyways, I like the tension building in the story and the cuteness/cleverness of Q—his little tracker toss was incredible!

#3: I feel sad for Master Emerick. Elzar, Stellan, and Avar are so close. I had no idea he was in their class too. I wonder if that’s why he seems to always be in a mood…but then Sian’s hug at the end!!!!! My heart! I like the depictions of Starlight Beacon in this issue. It’s giving us a bigger picture of just how vast it is and how much can be going on at once. I also like the progression of the bigger story and the emotions we see through the various Jedi here, especially Emerick. I was crying at the final page…the first time I’ve ever cried over a comic. One of my favorite issues so far!

#4: Since I’m reading these in release order rather than timeline order, I never know exactly where we are in the timeline, but the last panel answered that REAL QUICK! I cannot believe it. I wonder what they’ll do to save Emerick now. I hope they have time to figure it out! This series is really keeping me gripped—probably my favorite of all the comics released so far!

#5: Not Master Buck stripping to his undies to then go and fight again!