A review by blondierocket
Thank You for Smoking by Christopher Buckley

Adapted to film a couple years ago, Thank You For Smoking, is about Nick Naylor, vice president and lobbyist for tobacco industry who suddenly finds himself under the bright and accusatory stares of the world as he tries to increase spending on cigarettes while promoting safe living and health.

I saw this movie last year, and vaguely remembered the storyline. It was very interesting to read the actual story, many things different in the book than the movie.

Nick spends his days promoting smoking, spending money on advertising for and against smoking, carrying on a secret affair with a reporter who uses his private words and their secret conversations for her own gain. His friends all stand by him, each of them working and lobbying for their own controversial company. It’s not long before he finds himself in a life threatening situation that leaves him wondering for the first time ever if smoking is really something he wants to be standing behind.