A review by a_j_torres0
Fifty Shades of Grey by E.L. James


Fifty Shades of Grey is an Adult Erotica novel, book 1 in the series. I DNF the book after chapter 1.

Book Cover: 1* - Honestly, the cover is just so ... boring. It's just a tie in grey scale. Get it ... because 50 shades of ... oh whatever.

Summary/Tagline: 1* - Yeah, no it won't lmao. Anyway, all I did was roll my eyes at the summary. So, I wasn't the least bit interested.

Characters: 1* - We follow Anastasia Steele who "falls" for a billionaire business man named Christian Grey ... I mean, after the first chapter, I couldn't get much out of Ana from just one chapter, but from what I can remember, she doesn't have nice things to say about women who are blonde.

World Building: /* - The story is set in a modern day city. Not really anything to say here.

Story: 1* - Alright, like I said right in the beginning, I DNFed after chapter 1 ... 3 times. Why? The writing is just ... so bad. I cringed, was really confused, and just closed the book all 3 times I've tried to read this book. I'm not even going to bother anymore. The writing is nowhere near good enough for me attempt this book/trilogy.

Over All: 1* - The writing isn't good and Ana is just nowhere near interesting enough for me to continue attempting to read this book. Plus I think I got enough of her from the first chapter alone. She plays "prude", when really, she's just a judgemental b**** to blonde women(No I'm not blonde, I just don't like slut shaming female characters). So, no thanks I'm good.