A review by robinlovesreading
Pressure by Betsy Reavley


The Pica Explorer, a submerged submarine, has lost power and has sunk to the ocean floor. With ten people on the sub, time is of the essence because oxygen will run out – and soon. As if that alone isn’t terrifying enough, murders are being committed, one by one. I am a huge fan of Agatha Christie’s work, and immediately sensed a parallel to her book And Then There Were None.

Here the story is told in two different ways, from several first-person points of view to a mysterious telling from one of their pasts. This allows the reader to get into the minds of those aboard. However, despite all of the individual stories, I was consistently kept guessing. From beginning to end, the story runs at breakneck speed. You just know someone else will be next, but who, and why? Equally thrilling and horrifying, Pressure was an excellent read.

Many thanks to Bloodhound Books and to NetGalley for this ARC to review.