A review by adw7984
In Search of Lucy by Lia Fairchild


We are quickly introduced to Lucy and she is what we might consider a loner. She lives alone, has had a rough upbringing and mainly just goes to work and home. She is struggling internally and not too willing to let people in. I can related in some ways to Lucy because I am also a loner, but thankfully I have a relationship with my family.

I love how Lia Fairchild slowly introduced some friendships into Lucy’s world. Meeting new people, or even accepting people you already know can be a tough thing to do when you are used to solitude. Benny and Anne proved to be great friends to Lucy and she was so lucky to have them. Kyle turned out to be great in the end, but I wasn’t sure where Ms. Fairchild was going with his character. I thought maybe he was going to be a dark cloud on the story, but he turned out to be another wonderful addition to Lucy’s life.

I found the dynamic between Lucy and Katie to be quite interesting. Katie left in such a hurtful way and it was so amazing to me that Lucy was able to forgive her. Can I just say that Katie really has her act together for a 24 year old - did we ever learn what either Katie or Rick did for a living to own such a nice house at such a young age?

Lucy was such a well-written character. She was able to grow as a person in such a short span of time and it was believable given her circumstances. When the book first began, I was not sure I was going to like Lucy but I became quite fond of her and just wanted her to have a happy life.

In Search of Lucy packs an emotional, yet realistic punch that portrays a broken family dynamic trying to heal. It was a quick book to read and I thoroughly enjoyed it!

*This book was provided for review on Confessions of a Bookaholic. All thoughts and opinions are my own.