A review by booklover160
Shielded by KayLynn Flanders


Another review I saw said this was just a typical YA fantasy with really nothing new and honestly, that's exactly what this is. It doesn't add anything new and doesn't really have an original twist on things so it was just... okay.

'Shielded' follows Princess Jennesara, a fighter princess with hidden magic, as she must travel to a new country and is supposed to marry their prince. She's ambushed on the way there and then must figure out how to survive and solve the mystery around her ambush.

I'm trying to think of what this did well, but uh... I guess it'd be the characters. But also because there are so many, plenty still felt one-dimensional. I'd say the magic, but it's nothing new and can be still a bit confusing. I'd say the political intrigue but it wasn't that complicated and I saw many of the twists coming. I'd say the romance, but it was insta-love and just... boring.

Unfortunately, that's the best I can summarize this book as boring. The first half is just travel/survival and it was so boring! Once we get into the rival country, it gets a lot more interesting and picks up, but by then we only have half a book left! I thought the pacing was just not done very well.

Overall, I do want to read book two, but this was clearly a debut novel. I really look forward to the author growing!