A review by veecaswell
Odd One Out by Nic Stone


More a 3.5.

From the bestselling author of Dear Martin comes a new story of old friendships, new crushes and the path to self-discovery and it’s good.

It’s a realistic book, and the characters really do feel like they connect together throughout this book, Jupe’s and Coop’s relationship is a really well built one that works well in this book and the building plot between the two allows for the two characters to work well in this book.

Though I’m not a fan of the writing style within this book and certain things that are put in this book (the biphobia for example, I don’t feel is really called out in this book at all for example) the plot does feel like it could happen in this book in a high school even though I feel like this book could have explored so much more (looking at you polyamory).

It’s a great book with a strong YA story that has a pretty feel good ending.

(I received an ARC from Netgalley for review).