A review by readfrenzy
Sweet Obsession by J. Daniels


[b:Sweet Addiction|22857396|Sweet Addiction (Sweet Addiction, #1)|Jessica Daniels|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1407086989s/22857396.jpg|41347747] was my very first taste of erotica. The combination of baking and sex, sugar and spice made it the perfect introduction to the genre, and I jokingly blame J. Daniels for corrupting my sweet, innocent mind. I quickly gobbled up the second book, [b:Sweet Possession|22071691|Sweet Possession (Sweet Addiction, #2)|J. Daniels|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1407799776s/22071691.jpg|41405978], and I was sad to say goodbye to the quirky cast of characters I’d grown so fond of. So when I found out that man crazy Brooke was getting her very own book, I was beyond excited. J. Daniels crossing over characters from her Alabama Summer series? It was just icing on the cake.
I’m Brooke Wicks, and I love sex. A lot of it. I don’t see any problem with my hit it and quit it philosophy. I’m doing what I want with the men I want to do it with. Period.
That pretty much sums up Brooke’s no muss, no fuss outlook on dating. She’s a grab-life-by-the-balls, take-no-prisoners kind of woman and it works for her. She has a job that she loves, great friends, confidence to spare, and regular – if not always memorable – sex.

If you’ve read [b:All I Want|25701833|All I Want (Alabama Summer, #2)|J. Daniels|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1433971945s/25701833.jpg|41958023] then you may remember Mason as Mia and Tessa’s super hot Aussie yoga instructor. When Mason moves from Alabama to Chicago, he opens his hot yoga studio across the street from the bakery where Brooke works. As soon as Brooke lays eyes on Mason’s fine physique, she wastes no time making her move. Operation Get Brooke Some is in full effect. I swear I could hear Hall and Oates’ “Maneater” playing in the background. I almost felt sorry for the man, but it turns out Mason has the willpower of a saint. Although he is incredibly attracted to Brooke, he doesn’t do meaningless sex anymore. Mason wants a chance to get to know her first.
“I could fuck you right now, up against this brick wall while anyone could walk by us. Would you like that? Would you come for me? It would be amazing, and I want that, I do, but my way, which involves feelings and knowing someone, trust me…it’s better. It’s so much better, Brooke. I want you to really feel me. I don’t just want a hard fuck in an alley and then nothing. I can’t do that.”
Mason convinces Brooke to try things his way. And, let’s face it, being Australian and with that accent – it’s kind of like her Kryptonite.
Do all Australians smell this good? Like sunshine and impending orgasms. Mercy.
It’s a bit of a power struggle throughout. As difficult as it is for him, Mason wants to slow things down, but Brooke is a little temptress who tries to race toward the sexual finish line at every turn.

J. Daniels has been known to write some really hot erotica (I’m looking at you, [b:When I Fall|25702203|When I Fall (Alabama Summer, #3)|J. Daniels|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1433972419s/25702203.jpg|42580399]), but with this book she turned up the heat 500º! Mason is such a nice guy but he is one filthy boy and his dirty talking skills are on point! It comes as no surprise that Brooke is naughty. Put the two of them together and you have some of the most explosive and creative – yes, creative – sex scenes I’ve encountered in recent memory. I’ve said it before. There’s an art to writing a good sex scene. J. Daniels is very skilled at writing highly erotic scenes and let’s just say she finds ways to be inventive so the reader is never bored.

Where the story falls short for me is in Brooke’s character development. The reason for her aversion to relationships is never explored. I know she likes sex but why does she sleep with so many men – and virtual strangers at that? When and how did it start? The subject isn’t addressed and her character lacks depth as a result. While Brooke is funny and sexually adventurous, she’s incredibly weepy. At times I wondered what made her so appealing to Mason. Mason, on the other hand, is the complete package in terms of book boyfriends. Perhaps he gets attached too easily, but he’s always honest with his feelings and when he loves, he loves with his whole heart.

This book can easily be read as a standalone, but fans of the series will be happy to know that Joey, Billy, and Dylan return as supporting characters. Tessa from the Alabama Summer series even turns up and makes a brief appearance.

The story is told from both Brooke’s and Mason’s points of view; however, my favorite chapter is the one told from Joey’s perspective. He’s always been a showstopper, scene-stealing character and this chapter gives him a chance to let his hilarious freak flag fly.

All in all, Sweet Obsession is a great addition to the Sweet Addiction series.

** ARC kindly provided in exchange for an honest review. **