A review by mycatismybookmark
A Book A Day Presents: Color Theory 2: Love, The Tie That Binds by Brenda Rothert, Eden Butler, Shannon Bruno, Chelle Bliss, Elyse Kelly, A.L. Jackson, A.M. Kusi, Daryl Banner, Aleatha Romig, Amanda Shelley, Taylor Danae Colbert, Kenna Rey, T.K. Leigh, Renita McKinney, Kat Mizera


I initially picked this up because one of my favorite authors contributed a story to this anthology, and it was one of my favorites along with a few other standout pieces.

These short stories are, well they are short, and about a third of the entries are part of various author's established series that would have been more enjoyable to readers who have read those series.

I don't know if it's possible to love every story in an anthology, but for the stories I did—the authors somehow managed to pack tons of emotions into so few words and make me want more—they made me glad I picked this up.

While my favorite stories scored higher, overall the entire anthology averaged three stars.