A review by ckrupiej
You Get So Alone at Times by Charles Bukowski


"we only have ourselves to go on, and it's enough ... "

"naturally, we are all caught in / downmoods, it´s a matter of / chemical imbalance / and an existence / which, at times, / seems to forbid / any real chance at happiness."

"sometimes when everything seems at / its worst / when all conspires / and gnaws / and the hours, days, weeks / years / seem wasted - / stretched there upon my bed / in the dark / looking upward at the ceiling / I get what many will consider an / obnoxious thought: / it's still nice to be / Bukowski."

"... thinking, the courage it took to get out of bed each / morning / to face the same things / over and over / was / enormous."

" we have / more than ever / the selfish wants of power / the disregard for the / weak / the old / the impoverished / the helpless."

drive through hell
The people are weary, unhappy and frustrated, the people are
bitter and vengeful, the people are deluded and fearful, the ~
people are angry and uninventive
and I drive among them on the freeway and they project
what is left of themselves in their manner of driving -
some more hateful, more thwarted than others -
some don't like to be passed, some attempt to keep others from passing
- some attempt to block lane changes
- some hate cars of a newer, more expensive model
- others in these cars hate the older cars

the freeway is a circus of cheap and petty emotions, it's
Humanity on the move, most of them coming from some place they
hated and going to another they hate just as much or more
the freeways are a lesson in what we have become and
most of the crashes and deaths are the collision
of incomplete beings, of pitiful and demented lives."

When you're young / a pair of / female / high-heeled shoes / just sitting / alone / in the closet / can fire your / bones; / when you're old / it's just / a pair of shoes / without / anybody / in them / and / just as / well."

"she wasn´t very / interesting / but few people / are."

"yet / at times / I do consider my / overseas fame / and / the only thing / I can come up with is / that / I must have some / great motherfucking / translators."

"there are certainly any number of lonely / people without much to do with / their nights."

"One doesn't even think of / the liver / and if the liver / doesn't think of / us, that's / fine."