A review by michael_benavidez
Hellblazer, Vol. 1: Original Sins by Jamie Delano


Normally I'd give this a five. A hard and straight beautiful five. The writing is damn near poetic, the characters and structure of the panel flow so beautifully from one scenario to the next. They're episodic which aren't bad at all, linked together by one pretty strong thread it would seem.
No, any other time I would have given this a five out of five. However, the one star knock off is for the actual product. I don't normally judge a book based on the product it is. I grew up on yard sale buys, second hand reads, and the like. Maybe I'm a bit spoiled for having bought my books new as of late. Thing is though, this is the only Vertigo title I've had a problem with. You see, there are sections of this where the art goes smoothly from one page to the next. Except I can't see that transition because the binding pretty much folds it. So there are bits of dialogue and action that i missed and had to go off of context clues. I didn't have this problem with Swamp Thing, Lucifer, Sandman or the others, so I don't know what happened here. But it was a bit of a let down. Add to the fact that there aren't really many extras, just cover art. There's no introduction no nothing really. But all that is nitpicking and gets thrown into the one star off. Other than that everything is freaking amazing and I will keep reading this series.