A review by cherryredsreads
Amber to Ashes by Gail McHugh


I was warned before reading this book that I would be addicted to this story.

Yep so right!  I am still having withdrawals since reading this book.  Talk about an emotional rollercoaster.  I think I ate about 10 packs of Twizzlers as I devoured this story.  I will now always associate Twizzlers with this book.   

Amber is a woman who has a hard life and when she literally stumbles into the arms of Ryder and Brock, her world is never the same.  I liked how Gail McHugh immediately captured my mind into the dark and tortured past Amber has had.  

Ryder is a man who always gets what he wants with just his looks alone.  He knows how to get without being emotionally attached but when he meets Amber, he can't believe he is starting to have feelings he can't control.  I really fell hard for Ryder once I started to find out that he is more than what he appears to be.  He is not what he appears to be and Amber soon finds out that there is way more to him then he leads on.  I seriously loved Ryder with his stubborn ass and there were times I wanted to smack him just like Amber did in the book!

Awe Brock!  He is not your typical jock!  He is way more twisted and tormented as Amber and Ryder.  He has a past that is dark like Amber's and he instantly syncs into their connection of it.  Amber learns to open up with Brock but she is always second guessing whether he really is who he says he is.  

Lies, secrets, passion, thoughts of what if become reality for these three.

Chapter 18:

That is all I am going to say!  And yes I went back and read it like 3x times cause I like to torture myself that way!

The raw emotions of these characters came to life as I read.  It was beautifully written.  You will feel, you will cry, you will ache, you will just be a mess!  Yes you read right!  This is why I love Gail McHugh books.  It's pure raw emotional mind fuck!  I love it!

So the question is can you love 2 men at the same time?  I say yes!

Now asking me to pick Team Ryder or Team Brock?

I can't decide!!  I lean towards team Ryder more but Brock has a way to suck me in too!

I really enjoyed this book & can't wait for what happens next!  

Bring it on Gail McHugh!

**ARC kindly provided by Publisher in exchange for an honest review**

5 Cherries Popped