A review by sheyri
Dreams of the Dying by Nicolas Lietzau


Spoilergore, murder, suicide, graphic suicidal thoughts, depression, PTSD, body horror

LGBTQ rep:
Spoilermostly bisexuality, also homosexuality

So, I wrote a lengthy review for the Kindle edition and I don't feel like going into detail again. This fecking book though!

I enjoyed it a lot more the second time, though that might be due to it being the print version now. Me and long ebooks on phone just don't get along, it seems.
What I said in my other review still stands, for the most part at least. The middle part felt a lot better this time though and didn't drag at all.
I also forgot a few details and the first time I didn't realise this is slightly AU to the games. Makes sense though.

And can we please appreciate the artistic choices in the print? Like the titles of the swamp chapters that are woozy, backwards and/or upside down. And then there's chapter 29. I love ideas like that.