A review by nrt43
Deaths of Despair and the Future of Capitalism by Angus Deaton, Anne Case


Case and Denton take a bird's eye view of what is becoming a growing trend - deaths of despair - namely, deaths from alcoholism, drug addiction and suicide. These particular deaths are occurring particularly among non-Hispanic whites between the ages of 45 and 54. Here is their explanation of why, and it isn't because of poverty or merely loss of jobs.

For a fantastic review, please see Dr. Atul Gawande's from the New Yorker.

The book is far-reaching and multi-disciplinary. With broad strokes, they paint a vivid picture of what is not going well and it's a lot. They do include some suggested changes. Yet, for me it didn't feel very hopeful. The needed changes feel far away. And so much more could, perhaps, needed to be said to complete their arguments.