A review by thinde
Forever Young by Daniel Pierce


Quite bad. The writing seems like one of those A.I. attempts at prose, but with less originality. The characters are irrational and inconsistent. But worst of all, the dialogue is just painfully unbelievable. And graphic sex scenes are thrown in like anchovies in icecream.

The protagonist constantly complains about being kept ignorant, just reminding the reader that there is no reason for this information to be withheld. The occasional planning sessions we see them do are woefully illogical. E.g. They must escape to another city. "No, we can't take a van as vans are unreliable and attract too much notice." [WTF] Instead they steal Harleys... yup, that makes sense.

Jason learns he has one special ability that might be effective against the vampires. Despite this, he constantly fights them with his fists, seeming to have forgotten about that special talent. Dude, you have a ranged weapon, don't let the super strong bad-guys get close enough to melee.

For much of the book, the experienced Ferin constantly harp on about how dangerous and unstoppable the vampires are. But from one chapter to the next they go from planning their escape to taking on the main bad guys with no backup and no plan. It's just cringe-worthy.