A review by rainereadshappily
The Maiden & The Unseen by Jeanette Rose, Alexis Rune


Hades and Persephone; one of the most beloved couples from the Greek mythology. The book revolves around how the gods live in the mortal world under the supervision of the three god rulers; Poseidon, Hades and of course, Zeus. Hades is the provider of all gods and basically their keeper who makes sure they live within the decided and agreed upon rulings under which the gods were allowed.

Looks promising? Highly promising and appealing. The first 10 chapters I believe will make you think you found your next favorite book/series as well. But then you see that the author does not have a story. You realize that she either did not plan past the point of Hades and Persephone finally meeting or simply did not care, as the rest of 50+ chapters repeat one thing over and over and over.

Another reviewer, who expressed my frustrations amazingly, quoted "the characters act like they're 16" and I couldn't agree more.

Persephone is already in a relationship with someone when the story begins, whom she's been on the fence about breaking up with anyway. Because that guy is not doing it for her and he seems to be dreaming of taking the next step too. The very obvious thing to do would be to end the relationship so as to not cause any problems further, but no, little miss needs to still think about it. Think about what to do with a guy she does not want and who is thinking about proposing her while she's getting the hots for her boss. . . .

And then like the very mature adult she is, she gets mad when Hades tells her to break up with him so they can be together but "who is he to tell me to do anything, how dare he!", like what? She doesn't like the other guy, always ends in Hades' lap (happened thrice) and then refuses to do something that she should've done already and is wanting herself as well. One would be forced to think, "WHAT DOES SHE WANT!!" But rumor has it that no one knows.

Fast forward to where she does end up breaking up with him (takes about 20 chps I think) she gets with Hades, they get down to it and then comes point #2 that the author drags like no one's business.

Every single time they engage in intimacy, Persephone gets up and starts the silent treatment. Hades keeps asking her to tell him whats wrong, she doesn't tell and asks for space, he gives her that and she starts getting upset over how he doesn't want her now. . . . . This happens in every single instance. I wish I was exaggerating but every single sex scene you'll read, this is what follows.

The plot of the book was excellent, the theme, the idea behind it. The execution was the worst. The author has amazing writing so for those who just wanna read smut, this is just that. The intimate scenes is all that's selling the story. The reviews that I've seen so far are 4-5 and they are about how hot the book was, meaning the readers enjoyed the sex scenes and the 1-2 ones are where the other readers shared how the story was disappointing because there was genuinely nothing to it.

It legit felt like someone told the author what to write over a single phone call and in how many chapters and she tried her best because it was only two things in this book that were dragged over a 70+ chapters.