A review by schomj
Beasts of Burden: Animal and Disability Liberation by Sunaura Taylor

challenging medium-paced


So... turns out this is vegan propaganda, which I wasn't expecting. As a person reliant on animal fat and protein because I'm generally allergic to plant-based sources, it was really weird to spend hundreds of pages reading a disability advocate telling me I'm less-than because of one of my disabilities. She does have a paragraph towards the end acknowledging the existence of people like me (for "some people" it's "not as easy") before apologizing to vegans for doing so.

The whole thing felt more abstract and disembodied than I'm used to, at least when reading disability studies from disabled people. I think this is the first time where I've actively wished an author spent more time talking about people and less time citing sources? IDK, just a really weird experience that I'm still trying to make sense of.