A review by bookbriefs
Cameo and the Highwayman by Dawn McCullough-White


I love this series! I think I liked this book even more than the first one! I am a history nerd so I was so excited when the french revolution was worked into this book. And Surprised! I did not see it coming- great twist! This book had just as much going on as the first one. But while the first one was non-stop moving and action; this book took some more time to develop the characters and their own stories more. I loved both approaches. The first book grabs your attention and this one is really satisfying because I felt like I really got to know everyone. I loved it!

I loved learning more about the characters pasts. I think that was my favorite thing about the book. Seeing how everyone's sub-story and past fit into the bigger plot of the book. I loved meeting Edel and learning about him. I liked him so much. He genuinely liked Cameo and you can tell that he really was happy to have a companion. He really wanted her there forever because he was so lonely. He was 180 degrees different than cameo's master. Where the master is cruel, Edel is more kind. He was as human as a vampire can get. Great character.

I was also really happy with the way that Cameo and Opal's relationship developed in this book. Cameo took some huge steps in admitting that Opal meant something to her. It was so agonizing seeing them in two different places for most of the story and knowing that they wanted to be together and could not.

The ending was so sad. I really, really hope there is going to be another book because I want to know what is going to happen with everyone. I didn't like the ending very much because I did not want this book to end! At all!! I wanted to keep reading for another few hundred pages. I flipped the page on my kindle and it just said "end" at the top and I literally yelled out "no!!" because I was not prepared for the book to be over. I need more Cameo. I am also hoping for a little bringing the dead back, magic for a certain vampire. I really am loving this series and I can't wait for another book!