A review by alina_leonova
Run Lab Rat Run by Shawn C. Butler


This is an exciting cyberpunk adventure with a badass and flawed female protagonist. The book explores inequalities resulting from genetic modifications. On the one hand, there are new challenges and injustices, but on the other hand, they are very familiar, even though they come in a slightly different flavor.
The author constructed a complex and believable world. The protagonist was likeable, complex and felt like a real person. I enjoyed watching her arc. Other characters also felt real and distinct, even though the reader doesn't get to know them too well (which is natural for the first person narrative from the protagonist's POV). The plot was intriguing and exciting, sustaining my interest from start to finish.
I also loved the author's writing style and his sense of humor. Humor is an integral part of this book, woven expertly into the narrative. It hit perfect balance for me where it made me laugh but didn't distance me from the protagonist's struggles. Sometimes, humorous books feel like nothing is serious, and even if the characters deal with something extremely difficult, I don't feel invested in their fate because it all feels like a joke. It wasn't the case here. I was in the moment with Media, rooted and worried for her and raged at the injustices of the world, but I also laughed and felt amused many times throughout the book.
I will keep reading the series.
You might enjoy the book if you like cyberpunk, badass and imperfect female protagonists, are interested in genetic engineering and / or marathons and like your books spiced with a generous but not overwhelming amount of humor.