A review by stefaniajoy
Time of Daughters I by Sherwood Smith


I enjoyed this book and I love reading about this world. The author writes characters very well. They absolutely feel real, with true strengths and weaknesses, and various desires pushing and pulling at them. I also think the author writes different ages well. I absolutely feel the difference between younger and older characters, and the way youth/age affect those characters' decisions. Relationships and feelings are honest, messy, fluid.

My primary complaint is it feels like this book, the first of two, was just chopped in the middle. The ending felt very abrupt and not at all satisfying.

There are so many characters in this world, so many layers, and the names are hard to keep track of, but it's something I personally enjoy because it adds to realism for me. Planning to buy the second and start reading soon.

I definitely recommend reading the Inda series before this one; many of the events in this book make more sense as a result and it adds a layer of interest.