A review by libralita
The Bands of Mourning by Brandon Sanderson


Original Review: http://sevendemigodsanswerthecall.tumblr.com/post/147709595034/title-the-bands-of-mourning-author-brandon


Besides Secret History, I’m finished rereading Mistborn! I liked this book a bit more on the second read through. I’ve decided to change the rating from a 4.5 to straight up 5 stars. I know such a big difference but it deserves it! Because I have my knowledge of the cosmere, things made a little more sense so I had a more pleasant experience. This is a reread review so there are spoilers for other books in the cosmere so I recommend reading my original review. I really loved this book and I can’t wait to reread Secret History!


“‘Could you…maybe order a few of the others to befriend me?’ he found himself asking, ashamed of how weak it sounded to say the words.”—Page 23

Wax, my poor child.

“‘I’m sure you did your best,’ Steris said, taking his arm. She was warm, and even trembling. Steris might be reserved, but unlike what some assumed, she wasn’t emotionless.”—Page 42

My cutie.

“‘I’m all right,’ he said to Steris through clenched teeth. ‘But God should have known not to come for me. Particularly not today.’
‘Your life is…decidedly odd, Lord Waxillium.’
‘I know,’ he said, moving again, stepping with her beside the last door before they entered the dome. ‘Ready?’
‘Yes, thank you.’ Was she…teary-eyed? It was an expression of emotion he’d never seen from her.
‘Are you all right?’ he asked.
‘Yes,’ she said. ‘Forgive me. It’s just…more wonderful than I’d imagined.’”—Page 47

First, in the grand scheme of things, it’s not really that strange. Second, Steris is such a sweetie, god I love her.

“‘For being nice. For being willing to subject yourself to, well, me. I understand that it is not a pleasant concept.’
‘Do not think me self-deprecating, Lord Waxillium,’ she said, sitting up and taking a deep breath, ‘and please do not assume I’m being morose. I am what I am, and I accept it. But I am under no illusions as to how my company is regarded. Thank you. For not making me as other have.’”—Pages 51-52

Steris, stop making my heart hurt. I would love your company.

Oh yeah, this is the book where I want to punch Wayne in the face for the wedding mishap.

“‘Now, what kinda talk is that?’ he demanded. ‘You’ve given up? Is that how the Ascendant Warrior was? Huh?’
‘No, in fact,’ Marasi said. ‘She walked up to the man she wanted, slapped the book out of his hand, and kissed him.’”—Page 56

Pretty much, yeah.

‘See, there’s how it is!’
‘Though the Ascendant Warrior also went on and murdered the woman Elend was planning to marry.’”—Page 56

Okay, to be fair Shan was trying to kill Elend in the first place. Also you forgot the part where she did it in her underwear. Or did history conveniently forget about that part?

‘Gruesome,’ Wayne said in an approving tone, then took another swig of sherry.
‘That’s not the half of it,’ Marasi said, leaning back on the counter, hands behind her. ‘You want gruesome? She also supposedly ripped out the Lord Ruler’s insides. I’ve seen it depicted in several illuminated manuscripts.’”—Page 56

That’s is just false, Marasi.

“Tell me, Miss Colms. What do you know about the nature of Investiture and Identity?”—Page 58

Ugh, fuck me. Investiture makes my head hurt.

“‘Image project,’ VenDell said. ‘They call it an evanoscope. By next year these will be commonplace, I should think.’ He paused. ‘Harmony implies that if we find this wondrous, it will really burn our metals when the images start moving.’
‘Moving?’ Wax said, stepping forward. ‘How would they do that?’
‘We don’t know,’ MeLaan said with a grimance. ‘He accidentally let it slip, but won’t say anything more.’
‘How does God,’ Marasi asked, still staring at the image, ‘accidentally let something slip?’”—Page 63

Movies will be great! Sazed is a horrible liar.

Okay so Investiture is the raw power of Allomancy and Feruchemy. So each person has their special Investiture and that’s called “Identity” which is why Feruchemists can only use their metal minds.

“‘What is it about you,’ Wax said, ‘that makes me want to punch you, even when you’re saying something helpful?’
‘None of us have been able to figure it out,’ MeLaan said, waving for Wayne to toss her a walnut. ‘One of the cosmere’s great mysteries.’”—Page 69

Haha. Also, ugh it’s so creepy how VenDell has Breeze’s hands. Why would Breeze give his hands to VenDell?

What are the Lady Mistborn’s knives and the Lance of the Fountains?

“‘There are four individuals,’ VenDell said, ‘who, to our knowledge, have held the power of Ascension. Rashek, the Survivor, the Ascendant Warrior, and Lord Harmony.’”—Page 70

More foreshadowing.

“‘Four hours?’ Steris said. ‘I need to send for the maids! And the valet! And…’ She raised a hand to her head, looking faint. ‘And I need to make a list.’”—Page 80

Oh Steris.

“He was completely shocked, then, when the page didn’t contain a historical description, but instead anatomy sketches. Along with long descriptions explaining…human reproduction?”—Page 103

Oh god my poor child. This is probably the most relatable scene ever. Like Steris just wanted to know how sex worked and she so worried she won’t be able to do it correct. My poor child, I just want to hug her.

“‘If it eases your mind,’ Wax said as she tucked the book into her suitcase, ‘we won’t need to be…involved with any real frequency, particularly once a child is provided. I don’t imagine your research will be necessary for more than a dozen or so occasions.’
As he said it she wilted, shoulders slumping, head bowing.”—Page 105

Well, that was the wrong thing to say. Steris is horny af and she wants her Wax.

“Wax crossed the train car, then sat next to her, resting his hand on hers. ‘I don’t like this talk from you. Or from me. It’s become a habit for us to pretend this relationship is nothing more than titles and money. But Steris, when Lessie died…’ He choked off, then took a deep breath before continuing. ‘Everyone wanted to talk to me. Speak to me. Blather about how they knew what I was feeling. But you just let me weep. Which was what I needed more than anything. Thank you.’”—Pages 105-106

Aw, I love these two so much.

“Steris’s teeth chattered audible, and he glanced at her as he finished winding, expecting to see her frightened and miserable. Instead, despite being dripping wet, she had a stupid grin on her face, eyes alight with excitement.”—Page 138

Steris, you dork, I love you.

I can’t believe MeLaan and Wayne had sex during the train attack.

“‘’Sides, I didn’t get to stomp none of them, on account of some untimely snogging.’
‘At least it was a good snogging,’ MeLaan added. Then, to Marasi’s glare, she added, ‘What? It was. Poor guy hadn’t had a proper snog in years. Had a lot of pent-up energy.’
‘You’re not even human,’ Marasi said. ‘You should be ashamed. Not to mention that you’re six hundred years old.’
‘I’m young at heart. Really—I copied this one off a sixteen-year-old that I ate a few months back.’”—Page 151

You ever read something and you’re like “God, this is weird. And the fact this all makes sense to me, makes me weird”?

Guys, you’re so mean to Aunt Gin.

“‘She assumes’ Wax said, ‘that our detective style isn’t normally the punchy-punch, stabby-stabby type.’
‘To be fair,’ Wayne said, ‘it’s usually a more shooty-shooty, whacky-whacky type.’”—Pages 168-169

You all need some rest.

‘Oh, my lord, I know it, I do.’ The beggar laughed. ‘I own the place, technically. Now, regarding those coins for old Hoid, my good lord…’ He pushed his hand forward farther, eyes staring sightlessly.”—Page 173

First, Hoid often pretends to be blind on Scadrial. Second, why were you drinking cologne, Hoid? Or did you just forget you were wearing it? Were you on a hot date or something? Third, Apparently Hoid has been to this estate multiple times. Forth, Hoid!

Where did Hoid get that storming coin? And why give it to Wax?

“‘Is your cousin well?’
‘Valette? Most certainly. We are all please with her new marriage. I’m sorry your relationship didn’t work out, but the man who courted her after you was dreadful. When titles are part of a union, it’s always unpleasant to see what crawls out from the mists looking for a bone.’”—Page 188

Wax it’s time to punch this man in the face.

“However, as he did, a different woman slid into place and grasped his hand, towing him into the dancing and away from the perimeter. He was so surprised that he let it happen.
‘Excuse me?’ Wax said.
‘No excuses necessary,’ the woman said, ‘I won’t take but a moment of your time.’ She looked to be Terris, judging by her dark skin—though hers was darker than most he’d seen. Her hair was in tight braids, streaked with grey, and her face bore full, luscious lips. She took the lead in the dance, causing him to stumble.”—Page 190

Hello, Khriss!

“Infant mortality on Scadrial is not as bad as some regions, but still shockingly high.”—Khriss, Page 190

Wax, are you going to ask what the heck Scadrial is or at this point in time has Scadrial actually gotten it’s name? Also, why is infant mortality on Scadrial high? I mean I get that they’re in industrial revolution times so it’s not the greatest conditions in the world but Roshar is like…in a giant war.

“She produced a card and handed it toward him. ‘Please experiment with this further and send me word. Thank you. Now, if I can just figure out why there’s no redshift involved in speed bubbles…’”—Page 191

Wait, Khriss gave Wax her card? Bro! Call her! What’s redshift?

“‘To the Roughs,’ Devlin said, dismissive. ‘What’s beyond them, Waxillium? Beyond the deserts? Across the seas? Nobody cares.’”—Page 204


“‘I know you, lawman,’ Devlin said. ‘And I can tell you, the group you chase, you don’t need to worry about them. They won’t be a danger for decades, perhaps centuries. You’re ignoring the bigger threat.’”—Page 206

So I guess in the next book the Set will not be completely taken care of and they’ll be around in Era 3 and 4. Also, I’m assuming the Devlin is a worldhopper.

“‘Were you ever insecure?’ Marasi asked. ‘Or did you always know what to do? Did you get jealous? Frightened? Angry?’”—Page 211

Ahahaha, yes, Vin was very much insecure, jealous, frightened and angry for a majority of her life. The concept of Marsh not beating Kell was foreign to her.

“…time to show those in Elendel that their tyranny is not only unjust, it is against the will of the Survivor, who died in the name of freedom…”—Lord Severington, Page 219

Yeah, I think Wax should be more concerned with this civil war that’s brewing. Perhaps New Seran is gathering up an army and will attack Elendel.

“Do Your Metal Tools Speak to You? Your neighbors probably don’t want to hear about it. But WE do! Visit 27 Ralen Place. Ask for K or N. Bring the talking metal with you.”—Page 225

I see Khriss and Nazh are looking Nightblood.

“A few more speeches like this one, and Severeington will have the entirety of the Basin whipped into a frenzy. Completely ignoring that Elendel has us outmanned and outgunned.”—Kelesina, Page 232

I guess Elendel does have an army of some sort.

“Wax dropped to the floor with a thump, leveling his gun at the people inside the room. ‘He’s right here.’”—Page 233

A bit overdramatic, wouldn’t you say?

“Steris grabbed him with, he noted, no small amount of eagerness. She really did enjoy this part.”—Page 240

My ship is being prepared to set sail.

“Wax looked down at her as she held to him while trying to stare in every direction at once. He suddenly found something burning in him, like a metal. A protectiveness for this woman in his arms, so full of logic and yet so full of wonder at the same time. And a powerful affection.
So he let himself kiss her.”—Page 241


So, it’s all come full circle. Kell started out seeking the legendary atium to become rich beyond anyone’s wildest dreams and now people are search for a secret stash of Kell’s riches.

Wait a minute so you can use a speedbubble if you’re on something big enough and they’ll move with you. So that means when Scadrial invents airplanes, you’ll always want to travel with a Cadmium misting to make the time go by faster.

“‘It takes the metal one is burning,’ Wax said, ‘and somehow…extends it. You saw. It Pushed your metal away, as if a Coinshot were there near you. The cube used Allomancy.’”—Page 256

This is such a great, ‘holy shit’ moment because on the one hand this technology is cool and think of all the ways you could use it. On the other hand, holy shit the bad guys have this tech.

I love how Steris is like, “Wax, I’m crazy but I’m not that crazy”.

“‘I’ve got an idea,’ Marasi said.
‘How crazy is it?’
‘Less crazy than tossing Wayne off a cliff.’
‘Not a high bar, but all right. How do we start?’”—Page 273

Those two usually set a low bar in the sanity department.

‘My thigh,’ MeLaan said, twisting the doorknob with a click, then pushing the door open a crack. She nodded, standing up straight.
‘Your…what?’ Marasi asked.
‘You said my head might hold the key,’ MeLaan said, striding into the chamber beyond—a small, surprisingly well-furnished room. ‘It’s actually my thigh, right now. A kandra stores its cognitive system through its entire body, but my memories right now are in a solid metal compartment in my thigh. Safer that way. People aim for the head.’
‘So what’s in your head?’
‘Eyes, sensor apparatus,’ MeLaan said. ‘And an emergency canteen.’
‘You’re kidding.’
‘Nope,’”—Page 286

I…this book is weird.

“‘Please,’ he whispered, tears in his eyes.”—Page 294

My poor baby.

“‘Great Metallic One,’ the masked man said, glancing at Waxillium, ‘I, of course, wouldn’t dare give orders to one of your stature even if you wear your bare face out at all times. Who am I to judge? Even if you look equally crass as these others—even the cute one—I’m sure you’re not. But, if I may be so bold as to suggest—’
‘What?’ Waxillium asked.
‘A little Push,’”—Pages 312-313

He is so cute.

“I found no trace of him, and though no one witnessed his fall, a young white-haired man was there and offered to tell me a story. I declined.”—Page 314

That was a mistake.

Allik Neverfar, I’ll need to remember that.

“‘North,’ Wax said, pointing. The little shelf at the front of the vehicle—like the dash of a motorcar—had a compass set into it. ‘If you head west first though, and find the river, we can—’
‘No.’ Telsin seized Wax by the arm. ‘We need to talk.’”—Page 318

Don’t trust her!

‘The Sovereign was our king from three centuries ago. He told us he was your king first. And your god.’
‘The Lord Ruler?’ Waxillium said. ‘He died.’
‘Yes,’ Allik said. ‘He told us that too.’”—Page 325

King? I mean god, I’ll give you that but you didn’t rule over the people, Kell.

“‘I’m sorry, great Wise One,’ Allik said. ‘You are obviously very knowledgeable about this, and know things that none of us would ever think to try. How could we be so foolish as to not realize that we could simply—’
‘Shut it,’ Waxillium growled.”—Page 328

I love Allik so much, he’s now my child.

“‘Deniers of masks? Like us?’
‘No, no,’ Alliks said, laughing. ‘You’re just barbarians. The Deniers are really dangerous.’”—Page 329

I’ll add that to the things to be addressed in the future books.

“There were other groups though. One gave a mask to each child, and those only changed once, when they reached adulthood. Allik claimed that these people—called Hunters—even grew into their masks somehow, though Marasi found that difficult to believe.”—Page 332

I’m guessing that’s where that one woman is from that showed up in Words of Radiance.

Leras was Ati’s wife and sister according to the South’s religion.

“What kind of metal explodes if you put it in water?”—Marasi, Page 336

*Quick Google Search* Caesium?

“There are those from my lands who might find your Basin up here…tempting, with no defenses against attack from above.”—Allik, Page 336

Oh great so Elendel will have to deal with a civil war with New Seran and a hostile airships.

“‘Clever, but it won’t work on you.’
‘Because we’re in your lands,’ he said. The visitor always has to wear the medallion. It’s filled with Connection, yah? Blank Connection, to no place. But Connection can’t just be connected to nothing, so when you tap it, it reaches out and connects you to the place where you are. Makes your soul think you were raised in this place instead, so your language changes.’”—Page 338

So, it’s like rewriting the soul like in Emperor’s Soul.

“The Lord Ruler was run through with three spears, by the Lord Mistborn’s testimony. ‘Once stabbed by a beggar, for the poverty he brought. Once stabbed by a worker, for the slavery he enforced. Last stabbed by a prince, for the lords he corrupted.’ The spears didn’t hurt him.”—Marasi, Page 347


“He wrapped the big spearhead, which was as large as his palm, with a handkerchief to keep it from freezing his fingers off,”—Page 348

So without that handkerchief Wayne would have the power of the bands of mourning. I don’t think anyone realizes how close the cosmere was to being completely destroyed that day.

“‘I have now been to hell,’ he said. ‘These mountain will rise all the way there for certain.’
‘You think hell is in the sky?’ Steris asked, standing close to Wax, practically clinging to him.”—Page 349

First of all, aw Steris is staying close to Wax for warmth/comfort. Second, what is your version of hell? Is it like the Christian hell? Tell me!

“Waxillium sought justice. He had an open heart—he’d spared Wayne’s life all those years ago, after all—but in the end, he sough to uphold the law. That was shortsighted. Marasi wanted to create a world where law enforcement wouldn’t be needed. Was that why she was so annoyed with him lately?”—Page 354

That’s an impossible utopian world, Marasi.

Well, Steris, the way to become more useful is probably get a gun of some sort and be able to fire it.

“‘And then,’ Steris said softly, ‘perhaps I came along because of the way it feels…’
Marasi looked sharply back at her sister.
‘Like the whole world has been upended,’ Steris said, looking toward the ceiling. ‘Like the laws of nature and man no longer hold sway. They’re suddenly flexible, like a string given slack. We’re the spheres…I love the idea that I can break out of it all—the expectations, the way I’m regarded, the way I regard myself—and soar.
‘I saw it in his eyes, first. The hunger, that fire. And then I found it in myself. He’s a flame, Waxillium is, and fire can be shared. When I’m out here, when I’m with him, I burn, Marasi. It’s wonderful.’”—Page 356

My heart! That is so beautiful.

“‘You actually love him, don’t you?’ Marasi asked.
‘Well, love is a strong emotion, one that requires careful deliberation to—’
‘Yes.’”—Page 356

I love Steris and Wax so much.

“He looked at Wax and smiled. ‘Apparently these symbols spell out something the Lord Ruler would have understood.’”—Page 369

What? Survive? The trick is to never stop looking, there’s always another secret? I hate noblemen?