A review by mbkarapcik
The Ride of Her Life: The True Story of a Woman, Her Horse, and Their Last-Chance Journey Across America by Elizabeth Letts


With a dire diagnosis and seemingly nothing left to live for after losing her farm, Annie Wilkins embarks on the trip of a lifetime in the mid-1950s. She will see sunny, glorious California and the Pacific Ocean come hell or high water. She gathers what few belongings she needs, grabs her trusty dog, Depeche Toi, and saddles up her new horse, Tarzan. Through incredible odds, she travels from Maine throughout both rural and urban areas across the country. Along the way, her faith in humanity and sense of community fuels her journey. She's helped by many people in various environs who advise her, admire her, and want her autograph.

This could inspire anyone who's absolutely down on their luck to keep going. Annie really has nothing left to lose, but she occupies what seems like the rest of her life with a ride where she learns so much about America and other people. You'll be whisked through icy, rural roads and hot desert climes and wonder just how she'll make it through the next hurdle. You'll witness the connections she has with her animals, and it may make you reconsider your own connections with your pets.

I enjoyed the book although at times it could be slow. There's quite a bit of geography and interesting bits of history whether about area mores, how towns became cities, and a whole host of other tidbits. It really gives you a taste of wanderlust and how much you can find just in America alone. You'll be struck by how fast our nation grew and what it became. It also may restore your faith in people although it concerns me that if someone embarked on this type of journey, would it turn out the same way?

Some may not love the book if they're not into history or geography or even animals. This is not normally the type of book I read, but it's incredibly well-written and some parts do grab and engage you. Will Annie and her animals make it? And at what cost. While I don't think this book will be for everyone, I'm really glad I read it.

Thank you NetGalley and Random House Publishing Group-Ballantine for an advanced reading copy of this book in exchange for an honest review! It was a pleasure!