A review by lovehollyxx
Four Score by Lili St. Germain


4.5 Stars

Gah!! This book! I was a little disappointed with the previous book in this kick ass series, but Four Score picks back up the greatness that Lili St Germain created in the first two books, and then some!! This was my favourite book to date in the series, and after the A-MA-ZING ending to Five Miles (I'm still giddy over how it ended!) I could not wait to get stuck into this book and once I did, I devoured it!!

So Jase knows. Yikes! I had no idea how that would go down. I mean, she's been killing off his brothers, and put his dad in a coma!! But they have a past. A connection. He spent years thinking she was dead, and now she's back. How would he deal with that?? Would he want to protect Julz? Help her in her plan for revenge? Or would he be true to the Gypsy Brother name, and turn the tables on her?

Four Score was slightly different than the rest of the series so far, in that it was less about Julz's next move in taking down the MC, and more about her and Jase. Jase noticeably struggles with himself. He's angry. He's hurting. He's scared. He doesn't know what to do. How to handle Julz. How to deal with the fact that the girl he's loved since he was a boy, the girl he thought to be dead, has been having sex with his dad and killing his brothers. And of course, there's Elliot.

We learn a lot more in this book about what happened all those years ago, from both Jase and Julz. I loved getting that better knowlege of the past, and I felt like it helped to add depth and more feeling to the story as a whole. It also made me feel more connected to the characters (well, Julz and Jace) and made my hatred for the Gypsy Brothers grow.

And once again, AMAZING ending!!!!! Book #5 is up next - we are that much closer to the end - and I can't wait to see how it all plays out.