A review by booksabrewin
Rose Thorn Academy by Vanessa Bernatchez

Embrey is a prostitute's daughter with six other siblings that she cares for while her mother tries to make ends meet. The only way she can see for herself to have a future is to apply for a scholarship to the most prestigiously wealthy school in the country, Rose Thorn Academy. The application is submitted but she doesn't believe she has a shot with so many applicants but lo and behold she is selected. This causes her siblings to be put in foster care due to her mother's inability to care for them, but Em hopes that when she finishes school and has a college degree that she can piece her family back together with more stability. So, what is half a decade in foster care for her siblings, right?

When Em arrives at the school she is immediately targeted by three of the most popular men in the school and tormented for all of a few weeks before one of them decides he's had enough and decides to be her protector at the disgruntled guffaws of his friends. It seems the three boys are not able to be associated with the underprivileged or their father's might disown them. Because we all know high school romances are the forever kind of love and all. Can't risk that by getting involved with someone unsavory. Within days of one of the guys spending time with Em they are already confessing they love each other. And when the other two boys stop Em from being drugged and raped at a party they decide to get on board with the whole protection thing too. But of course, Walker needs to keep up appearances and go back to slamming Em in public. But he feels really bad about it so all is forgiven soon enough. Meanwhile in the bedroom, while most of the time the boys refer to each other as brothers and spend a lot of time giving the "no homo" bromance vibes suddenly two of them are bisexual and the most alpha of the trio is willing to bottom in a threesome. It's quite a rollercoaster of confusion for that 39% I read.

This book was slotted to be DNFed at 14%. That is how much I disliked the inconsistencies within the pages and the hyper speed pace it set. At 14% there were already confessions of love. This is a bully romance and the bullying barely lasted the first 10% of the book. It was so rushed and so all over the place that I spent a lot of the time setting it aside and rubbing my face in frustration than I did enjoying the story. I finally gave up at 39% and couldn't continue.

I did see on Amazon that the author is redoing the book and will release a new version sometime. I am glad that the author is taking steps to fix the book from what it is now because as it stands it is probably the worst book I have read in 2023. I don't like to bash an author's work because I know a lot of effort and time goes into their creations, but I really feel that the bare bones of the story is a dime a dozen academic reverse harem and the format was abysmal. I will try to read the new version of the book when it comes out and maybe post a secondary review, but as of right now. I couldn't finish this book and can't recommend it to anyone in its current form.