A review by catevari
Married in Green by Seanan McGuire


On the one hand, I'm loving these shorts from Seanan McGuire. They open up both the Incryptid world a little more and they let you get deeper into the Healy/Price family tree. I love the opportunity to see and read more than we've gotten in the novels so far.

On the other hand, they're very like fanfic (and to be clear, I'm pro-fanfic) in that it's very clear that McGuire is intimately acquainted with the universe's canon and is writing from a place of that encyclopedic knowledge...but as there's only been two novels so far, I as the reader, am not nearly as knowledgeable. And while I think the stories are still perfectly readable for me (clearly) not knowing the full canon, I can also see and feel that there are things I'm missing or don't/can't appreciate as much for that lack of intimacy with the canon.