A review by ohthesheenanigans
In the Dog House by Traci Hall


Rating: ★★☆☆☆ (2/5 Stars)
Title: In the Dog House
Author(s): Traci Hall
Emma Mercer: 28 years old, Red
Jackson Hardy: 28 years old, Brown, Green Eyed
Tag(s): Romance, Contemporary
Content Rating:
POV: Third Person
Smexy Level:
Favorite Quote(s): N/A
Overall Opinion:
After joining the Marines and leaving behind Emma, the woman he loved, Jackson finds himself back home taking care of his nephew and is besides himself when he runs into Emma. Though neither one is ready for any kind of commitment, the off the charts chemistry is still there and they find it more than difficult to denied the overwhelming attraction. Despite the interesting blurb, I wasn't able to resonate with the characters nor storyline. There just wasn’t enough progress and excitement for me to continue reading this, and unfortunately I have decided to dropped this.