A review by pixiejazz
Autumn Storm by Lizzy Ford


**This review may contain a spoiler or two**

Autumn Storm is the second book in Lizzy Ford’s Witchling series. The first book, which I’ve also reviewed, is Dark Summer.

In Autumn Storm, new girl Autumn shows up at the school for witchlings in Priest Lake, but Autumn has a secret. And the only people who know her secret are Beck, Beck’s mother, and Sam.

While at school, Autumn begins to realize that things and people start to seem very familiar to her, but yet she cannot figure out why. She does befriend a girl named Biji, and she also has Beck as a friend, although she is hoping for more. However, when Beck’s ex, Dawn, finds out about Autumn, she plots revenge. If she can’t have Beck, no one can.

When Autumn stumbles across Beck’s twin brother, Decker, she immediately feels a connection to him, even though he terrifies her. he also feels it, and he thinks maybe being with Autumn can help him move on.

As Autumn struggles to figure herself out, and understand why she keeps seeing a dark haired girl, Decker struggles with his feelings, and Beck struggles with his duties as Master of Light.

Things come to a head with Dawn, the cause of everyone’s problems, and Autumn ends up facing off with Decker as he loses himself to the Darkness. In doing so, she discovers the secret that’s been kept from her, and everything starts to fall into place.

I can’t really say much about this book without basically spoiling the whole entire thing. I mean, obviously, if you’ve read Dark Summer, you’ll understand Autumn Storm. But if not, then I don’t want to give a ton of stuff away. All I can say is, there is a lot of tension, a lot of drama, and it’s a really great story. Definitely recommended if you’re a fan of YA novels, indie authors, and/or witches.