A review by jackflagg
Dangerous by Milo Yiannopoulos


A long and boring exercise in narcissism and cheap writing. Like a 4chan post reviewed by a copywriter. "The lefties hate me because I'm so great and I speak my mind". "I speak in CAPS because it's my right and the lefties hate it." "I call myself a faggot because it bothers lefties!!!" BORING!
You're not cool and rebellious, you're just a guy with a hundred-dollar haircut and a big mouth. People don't like you because, deliberately or not, you misrepresent basic things like how society and law function and because you just hate things and, ultimately, promote pedophilia. Calling pedophilia by another name doesn't make it better, it's just cheap propaganda. (Pedophilia was just the last straw and what made him a pariah in the media, he's been saying other hateful things before those statements).

Loud and hateful idiots are a dime a dozen. You know what's truly rebellious? Having empathy, thinking critically and independently and doing productive things that better society. There's none of that here.
What Milo doesn't understand is that free speech only means the government can't punish you for what you say, that doesn't mean you must be provided a platform for spewing bullshit or that people have to listen.

It looks like the far-right hasn't changed much in a century - nice clothes, good haircut, lots of euphemisms to hide their hateful messages... but the same rotten, destructive core. Kindly fuck off please.

Even if I could I wouldn't give this book zero stars, only because through its existence, it shows that free speech is not a thing of the past. But otherwise it's full of nonsensical hate, narcissism and edgy "trolling". Waste of time, skip it and read some Solzhenitsyn, Orwell or Hitchens instead.