A review by kallmekirby
The Secret History by Donna Tartt


it’s hard to find the words to describe my feelings for this book- I’d been putting off reading it for YEARS, terrified I somehow wouldn’t like it which would throw into question my love for dark academia which has influenced my clothing and general life aesthetic heavily, but I shouldn’t have worried. This book has only furthered my love of this sub-genre and has taken the #1 spot as my favorite book of all time- no questions asked. This will be the first of many reads. While I did enjoy The Goldfinch and loved Tartt’s writing style that particular work doesn’t begin to hold a candle to this one. My only critique, not even a critique really, just a wish: I wish we had seen more of Julian throughout the book- I would have loved to witness a little more of his manipulative charisma that so attached the characters to him.