A review by phee
Thomas Cromwell: A Life by Diarmaid MacCulloch


A fantastic biography of one of my favourite historical figures.

I'm not sure what got me interested in Cromwell in the first place. Though a fun fact, Cromwell died on the 28th July which is my birthday so I feel a little link with him on this account.
Tudor history was only covered in minimal depth when I was at school. Though it is something I enjoy reading about for pleasure. I studied modern history whilst I was in higher education, something that I do regret now. I loved my modern history course, but I think this period suits my taste better.
So i think I'll make an effort to brush up on my Tudor knowledge in the future.

This isn't the first biography on Thomas Cromwell that I have read either. I read one by Tracy Borman a couple of years ago now. To be honest I'd advise starting there if you haven't already. This one is much more in depth and also much more academic in my opinion. Both of them are damn good though.
I think if you want to read a biography of anyone, you need to have a real interest them. It helps if they were as talented as Thomas, and were alive in a fascinating time such as tudor England.
He accomplished so damn much, and coming from humble beginnings it makes for even more of a interesting tale. Especially in a time where position and power meant everything.

I do plan on making a go of the Wolf Hall series now that I've refreshed myself on this time and the last book in that trilogy is out.

What more can I say. If you looking at a review for this book. Then you're already interested aren't you. Considering that this is more academic, it is still very easy to read. I made steady progress on it over a number of weeks, which is my preferred method of reading nonfiction. Give it a try. There is always more to learn.