A review by gentlemenpreferbooks
The Laws Of Our Fathers by Scott Turow


I went through a period last summer where I wasn't reading, or I was reading fiction. This was the last book in that run. It is the first book by Turow that I have read. My reads all of his books, so if I ever want another one, I can just borrow from him.

The main story follows the murder trial of a young man who has killed his mother. He didn't actually do, but he made it happen. The book also attempts to give the back story of the main characters and how they all have a past together. The presiding judge knows the young man, the lawyer, and the reporter behind the attorney making things happen. There's a lot of deceit in this story.

The book at times is ponderous. I often found myself skimming rather liberally through some of the back story. I thought the the actual main story line was interesting, and deserved more attention. I guess I'm a dork like that.