A review by rebelbelle13
Doctor Who: All Flesh Is Grass: Time Lord Victorious by Una McCormack


This is the best Doctor Who novel I've read in a long time, and it's no wonder, since Una McCormack wrote it. I've been a fan of hers for awhile now, as every title I've read by her I've enjoyed immensely. Sometimes with these Who crossovers, you get cameos from previous Doctors, or they will be in for a chapter or two and then leave. This novel, I'm happy to say, was exactly the opposite. Eight and Nine got just as much page time, if not more, than Ten. They were all in character of their respective incarnations and each given plenty to do in terms of solving problems and preventing the destruction of their world. There's daleks, vampires, hybrids, an assassin Ood, and a well traveled spider plant. I really appreciated the fact that it took place in the far past, and not on Earth, in the UK, during world war 2 (because honestly? enough of those already). Am I a little biased towards this book because 8 is my favorite Doctor? Maybe. It was also action packed and made sense of all of the loose threads that Cole left in the previous book (which is no easy feat, if you've ever read a Cole). That being said, you can't really read this one without having read the first in this duology, The Knight The Fool and the Dead; this one won't make any sense and they really come as a package deal.
Fantastic romp overall, and I'm looking forward to more of 8 and Una McCormack in the future.