A review by jamie_w
Tough Love by Dianna Roman


These Men of Olympus are killing me!! This was so much more than just a rom com! I love a good gay awakening and this did not disappoint! I also can’t resist the grumpy/sunshine trope with small town vibes with forced proximity! So up my alley!!

Graham was so infuriating!! He refusal to act anything other than grumpy and bitchy to everyone was comical. He simply refused to accommodate anyone’s feelings. However, he lived for his family!! He would literally do anything for them! He was such an ass but also wildly thoughtful. Bit of a juxtaposition. He also just didn’t know who he truly was. He’s spent half of his life thinking he was in love with his 2x ex-wife…but he was harboring such deep seated denial. It also gives some insight into he overall shitty demeanor.

Oh sweet Dami boy! So kind and so unfocused and such a daydreamer. These were the things that made him so frustrating for Graham. Dami wanted to be out. To be free and independent. But no one around him gave him the opportunity to spread his wings or even believed in him. He was so sunny and silly, which made it difficult for others to take him seriously.

The dynamic between Graham and Dami was so tense and uncomfortable at first. But once Graham let his guard down and allowed himself to get to know Dami, he was able to see what a genuine and talented man he was. And for Dami’s part, Graham gave him what no one else had - the confidence to be himself and achieve his goals even he was scared. Their intimacy was so much more profound than I imagined. They were so comfortable and it even seemed effortless at times. That’s not say they didn’t run into huge hurdles around others but they found such peace and contentment together.