A review by emmalynn
A Banquet of Consequences by Elizabeth George


4 and 1/2 stars.

Oh my, FINALLY an Elizabeth George book I really enjoyed again, I must admit I was starting to lose faith in her.

This one was close to the perfection of the old days... granted, the introduction is very long, but it's worth it to set up all the characters and circumstances, and once we get going, there's no putting it down (and it's nearly 600 pages long!).

I LOVED all the time dedicated on Havers, I love to see her grow/evolve so much after the Tuscany debacle, but while still remaining the Barbara we know and love.

I could have done with more Deborah/St James (it feels like they've been in the background forever) and less Daidre (I REALLY don't like her and not only because I never remember how to pronounce her name. I get that she's polar opposite of Helen on purpose but I REALLY don't understand what Lynley sees in her, she's so plain, so dull, so practical... agh, I don't like her), but even so the parts about Lynley felt like the good old days too.

The crime plot itself was very well crafted... not a spectacular one, but one that kept me guessing until the very end.

For the first time in quite a while, I'm actually very impatient to get the next installment in this series!