A review by sarahrheawerner
Among Others by Jo Walton


Wow. Just wow. Reading this book felt like coming home to myself -- there's no other way of putting it. I've never identified with a character (the protagonist, Mori) so much.

The main character's twin sister has passed away in the climax of a battle between good and evil... and we come in as readers to witness the aftermath.

This book is like nothing I've read before. It's a gently told tale that takes place just as the dust begins to settle, just as Mori's life begins to morph and change with the absence of her sister.

It's also a beautiful homage to the love of books and reading. Throughout this novel (narrated diary-style), we get unique insights into not only Mori's thoughts and actions but what she's reading as well. Mori loves sci-fi, and I love the way Ms. Walton has woven books (and the reading, processing of, and discussing them) into the story.

It's unique and very much unlike any other fantasy you've read. I urge you to give it a try. I for one can't wait to read it again.

This review originally appeared in episode 034 of the Write Now podcast on sarahwerner.com.