A review by em_thebookish_girl
8 by B. Lustig


Billie Lustig is one the very few authors who's work is always my anticipated reads! "8" is a different read compared to her other work, its not a dark romance but a contemporary. "8" is a second chance friends to lovers romance and book #1 in the Numbers series. It's an angsty, heart clenching and heartwarming romance. As always, Billie Lustig has an ability to pull me into the story from the very first page! I love her dark romances, but this read! After reading the prologue, I just knew that this read was going to be an emotional rollercoaster, and I was right. I felt the main characters' sadness, pain, love, longing and happiness. At times, I did get frustrated with their behaviors, especially Hunter's (hero). With Billie's work I *know* that I should expect the unexpected, yet nothing prepared me for the onslaught of emotions I experienced. Billie Lustig's work is truly a gem! I can easily say that her creative writing skills/technique truly shone in this book. And I'm eagerly waiting for the next installments in this series. The prologue begins in the present time leading back to the past.  Navigated from the main characters perspective: Charlotte and Hunter's.

They might be friends however, the energy and chemistry between them is thick and heavy. Hence, they've been tiptoeing around it for so long, trying to ignore the tension between them. Charlotte is able to see through Hunter's "bad boy" act/mask. Seeing a boy hiding so much pain skin deep. Charlotte is such a character! She's sassy and brutally honest, hence sometimes she doesn't think before she speaks and she's definitely not afraid to speak her mind. Charlotte wears her heart on a sleeve. She's loyal and caring, and she's the only person who can handle Hunter. Charlotte is an important person in Hunter's life; she's a person who truly cares about him. Despite loving each other so fiercely Hunter and Charlotte are afraid, they don't want to lose their friendship.

Hunter and Charlotte were good friends, eventually their relationship evolved into something much more. They attended the same high school but their paths didn't cross, they weren't in the same circle. But that changed when they unexpectedly met and actually got to know each other. Hunter immediately became intrigued with Charlotte; he got one glimpse of her personality and he needed to know more about her. They clicked, easily getting along with one another, hence they instantly became friends. They were able confide with each other, sharing their troubles and secrets that weigh heavily on their shoulders. Hunter is a bad boy, he's a charmer and can be seen as being c*cky. Most of her time, Charlotte has her nose stuck in a book; she has a love for reading. Two bestfriends who have avoided their feelings for one another for so long. Will their friendship survive without heartbreak? Well just going to have to read and find out.

**I received an ARC in exchange for my honest review