A review by hastings91
Noteworthy by Riley Redgate


Reasons I love this book
-Cute contemporary about Acapella, friendship and self discovery
-The book basically revolves around the MC cross dressing as a guy to get into an all boy group
-And there is no sexist or transphobic narrative whatsoever (in fact both are discussed in the novel)
-Bisexual Chinese female protagonist from an extremely poor family
-Who is also such an amazing and complex well rounded character like wow I would die for her
-Japanese love interest who is also great and a Soft tm boy
-Sikh gay, Black and Dyselxic side characters (who aren't stereotyped or reduced to those characteristics). Plus a really minor lesbian character.
-Beautiful friendship dynamics I'm shook
-Some really cute romance
-Music references (if you're a musician or into music at all you'll likely enjoy this book!)
-That cover tm
-I had no expectations for the writing so I was surprised by how good it was?
-Realistic questioning of wlw sexuality that made sense
-intersection of sexuality + religion that made sense
-the mc gets her period while dressed as a guy and it talks about how she deals with it instead of pretending that wouldn't happen
-So much hilarious dialogue!
-Basically modern! Mulan with some really cool twists

The one complaints I had were that 1) it was very slowly paced for the first third of the book and 2) there was a scene in the book where the mc's love interest sort of "outed" her in a way that was a little questionable and brushed off a little too quickly as an accident. The first complaint wasn't very major at all since it's a relatively long book and once I clicked with the story I really loved the book. The second does make me want to stress you might not want to pick this up if that's something upsetting for you to read. But since everything else about the diversity was so well done + I believe this is ownvoices for both the Chinese and bisexual rep I would still recommend this a lot.