A review by paultypething
Chronic City by Jonathan Lethem


This book is an English paper waiting to happen. I'd been told I needed to read Lethem for awhile but instead of starting with some of his better known works, I opted for this because we had a promo copy sitting around at work.

There were a few instances when I felt like I would have enjoyed a few things more if I actually lived in New York and knew what the hell he was talking about, but for a book where almost nothing happens, this was a really enjoyable read.

I'm always a little hesitant when it comes to post-modern fiction/magical realism/whatever the hell you want to call it, because I tend to feel like even if I enjoy most of the ride, the ending leaves something to be desired (read: doesn't make a lick of sense). I was a bit worried that that would happen here, but Lethem certainly delivered.