A review by jasmyn9
Hunk for the Holidays by Katie Lane


One of the most fun Christmas romances I've read. With a case of mistaken identity, fun brothers that behave only as boys will, and some serious business competition. All together it makes for quite a fun romp in the snow (and yes they really do that).

Cassie is a work-a-holic that mistakes her biggest rival for her hired date for the evening. Needless to say, this leads to a slew of misunderstandings. While I did feel a little miffed that James didn't clear the air and tell her who he really was a little sooner - she also doesn't really give him much of a chance to.

As they get to know each other better, it gets harder and harder for him to find the right way to tell her who he really is. When she figures it out there's some major fireworks - both good and bad. Then her brothers get involved and hilarity insues (because they really like the guy). A very sweet romance that doesn't lose the heat element a bit. It kept me on the edge of my seat hoping they would get together, but wondering how it would ever work out.

But you will have a beautiful HEA (or two - maybe), along with some nice hot scenes (not all from sex either). You definitely don't want to miss this one this Christmas.