A review by esnupi
Crooked Kingdom by Leigh Bardugo


This book is an astoundingly good sequel. It's not often that a sequel is just as good or even better than the original, but Crooked Kingdom manages it. Absolutely everything that was set up in Six of Crows is continued and developed. Every motif is used again. Nothing is ever irrelevant or useless. Character relationships are developed beautifully, and Kaz's final scheme was absolutely incredible. I have no idea how Leigh thinks up these plans, let alone sets them up and writes them so well.
In terms of character development, Jesper really comes into his own in this book, as does Kaz, as if he wasn't already brilliant in SOC. Him calling Jesper 'Jordie' will hurt forever, even if he does punch him like two seconds later.
There's so many scenes in this book that are just so well written; both of Inej's fights with Dunyasha, Kaz vs the Dregs, the bathroom scene, 'I would have come for you', Wylan and Jesper going to see Wylan's mother, the final auction, the negotiations with Ravka...
Both books are funny despite everything, but there's a constant wit in this that keeps the tone even enough to stop it from being too aggressive or heavy; their kidnapping of Alys, Nina and Matthias in Little Ravka, when they've all got prices on their heads but they're annoyed Kaz is worth the most are my favourites.
It ends so well, too. Nothing is too final. Nobody loses their character in favour of happily ever after.