A review by sean67
If Only I Had a Green Nose by Max Lucado


The message God made you different from everybody else. You are unique. Accept yourself for who you are. Don't try and one like everyone else.
Simlar message to the first two books in the series and again avoiding the big issues of sin and the need for salvation but focussing on thee smaller issue, not unimportant but not nearly as important as self acceptance. After all you can accept yourself but be on the road to destruction, Trump accepts himself that is clear but as you can tell a strong ego is not always a good thing.
This is a book for young people and you can only say so much in a book, but I would have thought by book three of the series you would move beyond the same fable over and over to the need to be not just different but to live for a higher purpose or to serve a God who not just created you but rescued you from the scourge of sin.