A review by lavendermarch
The Revived by A.M. Sohma


I recently read books one and two in the Second Age of Retha series, about a month ago, when book one was free. I really, really enjoyed them. So naturally, I was excited for book three! (Like, crazy squeals and preordering excited.)

But at any rate, I just finished the book, and it. Was. AMAZING!

Look, I've been a fan of K.M. Shea (K.M. Sohma's fantasy alter-ego) for years, and have read almost everything she's ever written. So I knew that The Revived was going to be good! It completely exceeded all of my expectations, and I cannot wait for book four!

Kit is freaking awesome, for the record. She's insanely good at strategizing, and she's hilarious. I've loved seeing her grow into a leader, and make up crazy plans that end up working, and build great relationships with the other characters. Kit is my favorite character in the books, and she should be as the main character.

But second (by, like, a millimeter) comes Solus Miles. Miles and Kit are my new OTP, but Miles is a strong, cool character in his own right. He's hilariously broody, entirely too obsessed with leveling up, and has a freaking DRAGON! I mean, how cool is that?!

Oooh, speaking of Sinistre, Miles' dragon? It made me think of Pax. Y'know, I didn't like Pax before this book, but he came through in a moment of need, and I like him more now. I can't wait for Kit to get to the level cap, so that they can kick some serious a** together! That will be epic.

Not to mention, Miles and Kit are pledged (which made me die of laughter and happiness in this book). The slow burn romance is wonderful, and I can't wait to see them admit their feelings for one another...probably at the end of the next book, or in the last one. So it might take a while. But I can still reread this series for kicks!

Okay, in terms of the other characters, I liked the occasional real world bits with Luther, Vic, Cookie, and Axel. They're awesome, and I look forward to everyone reuniting. As for the in-Retha side characters, I LOVE Noir. He just gives me life, and he is honestly one of my favorites! But Noir aside, Alastair is great, too. She's so exuberant and awesome, and I laugh or smile at every scene she's in, same with Noir. And most of the characters in the book, of course.

In terms of plot, because I just rambled about characters for about five paragraphs, it was seriously kicka**! The book was excellently paced, with great fight scenes, an epic raid battle at the end, and lost of other awesome stuff.

I one hundred percent recommend this series. The only other thing in this vein that I've ever seen was the anime Sword Art Online, which is pretty similar in concept, so I was almost completely new to this, especially as someone who doesn't play video games. But this series is incredible. The video game jargon is well explained and integrated, and I really enjoy reading about NPCs, leveling up, skills (swear proficiently made me die in this book - the made up swears in the pirate scene killed me!), and armor, just to name a few. If you enjoy adventure fantasy, then this series is something that I think you would enjoy. 5 stars, and give me book four!

Reread August 29th, 2021
This was a lot of fun! And the romance is moving in the right direction, too! I seriously look forward to seeing Pax and Kit team up (and seeing what some of the cryptic comments by the NPCs mean about
SpoilerKit's future abilities or something like that
), as well as more about Kit commandeering the guilds to fight the final boss! It's all really exciting stuff, and I'm (as I knew I would be) sad to have to wait until next fall. 5 stars! Also, ditto to everything in my initial review!