A review by nic_t_dlr
Tonight I'm Someone Else: Essays by Chelsea Hodson


I decided to read this book because it was mentioned in an article in W magazine about how Kendall Jenner is the patron saint of alt-lit. I wanted to know what alt-lit was so I bought a copy on Kindle. I didn't like the first essay. It was a confusing story about a girl's relationship with a bad boy that was interspersed with anecdotes about working on sending something like a rocket to Mars, and I was super confused. I forgot I was reading a book of essays and thought it was experimental fiction.

I liked the second essay quite a lot though. It was about a cool girl and her romantic misadventures in LA and NY which I was surprised to find myself really enjoying. I know there was a phase in my life where I would've wanted to be this woman. But it also captured that very adolescent feeling of wanting to be loved, and wanting to belong to something or someone. Maybe there are other books about that but I haven't read them, so I have no comparison.

I just know that I had an urge to post some of the sentences I read as Instagram quotes, so even if I'm not in that phase of my life anymore, I'm probably the target market. Also, this was the first book of essays I was ever able to finish! LOL.